Since the Tiny Home & Simple Living trend has garnered popularity again there has been lots of conversation about the benefits and drawbacks to this lifestyle. Whether you are considering this lifestyle or are just intrigued by it, check out our list below of the benefits and drawbacks that come with living tiny.
A Clutter-Free Life
It’s pretty simple. Less space = Less stuff. Tiny Home Living is about living simpler with what you need, not filling your home with everything you could possibly want. When you have a smaller home, it forces you to be realistic about what you can keep and what you need to let go of. Let’s be clear, this type of living is not for a serial shopper, unless you want to invest in a storage unit.
Clean Less, Live More
Tiny homes are quicker to clean because you have less home and less stuff. These homes really motivate you to declutter and live tidier, unless it doesn’t bother you to constantly have to walk around piles of clothes or mess. Instead of taking the entire day to clean your home, imagine it only taking an hour or less. With a tiny home, this is a realistic possibility.
More Savings
Living in a tiny home can save money in multiple ways. Because they allow you to store less, they help you to curb your overall spending with groceries, clothing, decor and other household items. With less space, it is less costly to heat, cool and maintain your home. Many tiny homes also include solar panels that can reduce or eliminate your electric bill, and built in rain barrels that can offset your water usage. Also there are other money saving benefits, like being able to move your home when you travel (instead of renting a hotel room) or eliminating moving expenses because your home has those nifty wheels.
Higher Quality of Life
Many tiny homeowners say that their quality of live and overall happiness increased when they began living small. For many, tiny living means freedom from the pressure that comes with acquiring possessions, living with debt and having a large mortgage. Most tiny homeowners say the time and money they use to spend on cleaning and maintaining their homes they can instead spend on leisure activities and on what they value most in life.
Lower Carbon Footprint
Tiny homes qualify as green homes because they consume less energy, generate less waste, and use less resources. You can rest assure that your tiny home is doing its part to help the environment.
Less Initial Building Expense
When comparing the costs of having a traditional house designed and built vs. a tiny home, the tiny home is clearly a better savings. A tiny home can be built at a fraction of the cost of a typical home if you consider that less materials are required. Also a quick search on the internet uncovers many free tiny home house plans. The average cost for a tiny home is usually from $20-$50,000. Many consider this to be a much easier sum to pay or garner a loan for versus the typical home loan.
Upgradable Home
Most tiny homeowners say that because they had to spend less on building their homes, they were able to upgrade its quality. With less square footage, splurge items like marble countertops and hardwood floors that would usually cost an arm and a leg, are much more affordable.
You Aren’t Tied Down
If your tiny home is built on wheels, theres no longer a need to get a hotel room or stay with that family member you don’t care for. You are free to take your home almost anywhere your heart desires. Most tiny homes can typically go wherever you would take an RV and if your home is outfitted with RV hookups, it makes traveling all the more easier.
Adios to the Dreaded Big Moves
There are very few people that actually enjoy moving (I absolutely hate it). One of the most common benefits tiny home enthusiasts herald about tiny homes is that you never really have to worry about making a big move again. For them, moving is as simple as driving to a new location. Think about it:
- If your job relocated you, without the burden of finding a new home, it’s pretty much a stress free process.
- No need for hotel rooms. (That’s a money saver!)
- No more hiring movers or renting moving trucks
- Your home is literally your vacation home.
- If you needed to leave in a hurry, you have the capabilities to do so.
Drawbacks to Tiny Homes
Although there are many benefits to this lifestyle, we would be remiss if we didn't also mention the drawbacks. For some these drawbacks are no big deal, but for others, they make tiny home living a deal breaker.
Your Home Is Small
This is pretty much to be expected because it’s called a “tiny home,” but this may be a serious drawback. The space that you may have grown accustomed to having is greatly reduced.
Some People Just Won’t Get It
There will always be those that believe bigger is better or that you have lost your mind. Stand by your decision, but understand that there are those who will disagree with your desire to live simply in this way.
Organization Is Non-Negotiable
You will need to creatively and strategically utilize the space in your tiny home. Organization is essential, otherwise your home will look and feel cluttered.
Something Will Have to Go
This is an easy concept to grasp until you have to actually make the decision to get rid of possessions you would otherwise keep. You will have to choose wisely and then continue to be disciplined about how much and what you allow in your tiny home.
VIPs Only
Entertaining will be a challenge. If the weather or the nature of the event ever require you to entertain inside your tiny home, know that the guest list will need to be limited because your space is. Utilize the outdoors as an extension of your tiny home. Like family gatherings at Grandmas’, everyone is free to hang out outside and only come in to grab food or use the bathroom!
Even if Tiny Home Living isn't for you, you can't deny that the lifestyle has its advantages!
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